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MakeWaves Enables

Share your goals and challenges with us.
We provide targeted, specific solutions so you emerge stronger and ahead.


The MakeWaves

Bazi å…«å­— Consult

Your Bazi (the eight characters of your natal chart) is your unique blueprint that includes your skills, affinities, strengths, and other characteristics. Imagine harnessing these gifts to your best advantage.

The Consult Process
1. Relevant information is gathered confidentially. 
2. A personalised consult establishes goals and objectives, and key actions and recommendations are shared to enable you to make the best of your Bazi blueprint.

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Bazi Consult or Date Selection

Bazi Consultation

SGD 880 per individual


Caesarean Delivery Date Selection

SGD 1080 per baby 


Date Selection 

From SGD 980 per event

for wedding registration, business registration, renovation, etc

Move-In (Office or Residential) date selection charges are pegged to Feng Shui consultancy rates


The MakeWaves

Fengshui 风水 Consult

The layout of your space (home, office, etc) and the surrounding landforms can bring different advantages depending on how they are optimised. They maintain or improve health, bring success in business, improve the quality of personal investments, nurture positive relationships… the list goes on. We show you how to draw the best out of your space.


The Consult Process 

1. Relevant information is gathered confidentially.

2. A site visit is arranged to determine energy flow from surrounding landforms and features, verify building facing / directions, and identify key spaces. 

3. A consult is arranged to share key actions and recommendations to enable you to make the best of your space.

4. For clients planning to renovate or rebuild, we involve your architect or designer from the start to align key objectives and expectations. This is an iterative process that may involve design or structural changes, and additional charges may apply. 


Feng Shui Consult
Apartment or Office Unit

Up to 1,200 sq ft

SGD 3,800


1,201 – 1,500 sq ft

SGD 4,080


1,501 sq ft or more

From SGD 4,800


Subsequent Annual Home / Office Assessment 

(after initial Consult)

From SGD 2,000 

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Feng Shui Consult
Landed Property

Up to 2,000 sq ft*

SGD 8,000

2,001 – 4,000 sq ft*

SGD 15,000


4,001 – 6,000 sq ft*

SGD 15,000


6,001 sq ft or more*

From SGD 18,000


Subsequent Annual Home Assessment

(after initial Consult)

From SGD 2,000


*refers to land area / built-up area, whichever is higher 

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Other Services

Site Selection

From SGD 800 per unit 


​​Consultations Outside Singapore

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Something Else? 

We can help - talk to us!

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